Bob Bosco
Bob Bosco
In The Beginning
After the Beginning
Major Paintings
Development of a Painting
Invented Heads
Skeletal Spin-Offs
Dancers and Musicians
A Painter's Yoga Journey ----- Two Videos
Several Public Art Projects
1. The J. Doe Project
2. Centerpiece, 8 Counts 24
3. Circles, 8 Counts 24
4. Bus Bench Project
5. The Yoga Piano
6. The Public Meets the Yoga Piano
7. Ocean Beach Drawing
Watercolor Experiments
The Aftermath - Emancipation of the Creative Process
A Biography
Teaching; An Allegory
On A Lighter Note
Companions As We Trek
ca 72" X 72"
charcoal and white chak
the emergence of two figures ... created in a cabin in the woods one summer